
Dispute Resolution in Russia: The Essentials 

10 November 2018

Collection of articles in English written by leading Russian experts in the field of dispute resolution. The book is published in Russia under the umbrella of Research and Educational Centre “Law and Business MSU”, Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Law.

Lidings experts authored the following sections: Summary Jurisdiction, Proceedings in Commercial Courts with the Participation of a Foreign Person, Resolving Intellectual Property Disputes and Resolving Labour Disputes.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation clarified specifics of employment by individuals and small and medium-sized businesses

22 August 2018

On 29 May 2018, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued the Decree of the Plenum N 15 where clarified issues concerning regulation of labor relations with employers — individuals both with and without sole proprietors’ status, as well as with employers — small business entity. The Decree clarifies provisions of Chapter 48 and Chapter 48.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dedicated to issues regarding regulation of labor between the abovementioned parties.

Lidings Demonstrates Outstanding Reputation Among Best Legal Advisors in Russia

02 March 2018

Reflected by the’s Sympathy Rating — 2017 identifying the most prominent legal advisors in Russia based on the feedback of peers Lidings recognized as a leading firm for its expertise in employment law and pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry practice area. Individual and moreover exclusive recognition as the only recommended lawyer in this sphere, for a remarkable work for advising pharmaceutical companies in Russia, is given to Lidings’ Managing Partner, Head of the firm’s Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare industry practice, Andrey Zelenin.

Review of the Resolution of the Supreme Court Plenum of the Russian Federation regarding employer’s obligations when employing former state (municipal) officer

19 January 2018

On November 28, 2017 Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (hereinafter — the “Supreme Court”) adopted the Resolution “On some issues arising when considering administrative liability cases under article 19.29 of the Russian Administrative Offences Code (hereinafter — the “Resolution”).

29 June 2010

The book discusses key aspects of Russian business law, providing an overview of the legislation: corporate, employment, foreign investment, antimonopoly law, litigation, arbitration and tax, as well as concentrating on practical areas of the law and analyzing recent findings from court cases. Along with descriptions of the major fields within Russian business law authors of the book emphasize the legislative regulation of specific business areas, including mining, banking and insurance, telecommunication, pharmaceutical, construction, retail, and others.

The book is written by Lidings’ lawyers and published by Aspatore books, a Thomson Reuters.