and Asset Protection

Our team of lawyers offers comprehensive solutions to protect our client's interests in identifying unscrupulous counterparties, unreliable employees, financial losses, reputational risks and recovery of troubled assets

What we do

Forensic Investigations

  • conducting detailed financial investigations to detect fraud, corruption, and other crimes

  • gaining an objective understanding of the situation and developing an effective conflict resolution strategy in corporate disputes and unfair competition cases

  • preventing conflicts of interest and negative consequences in relationships with counterparties and partners

  • formulating evidence to support the legal position in negotiations, dispute resolution, court proceedings, and criminal prosecution

  • assessing the net asset value and the possibility of maintaining control during the sale of a business share or its transfer by inheritance

  • preventing damage and negative consequences during mergers and acquisitions, buying and selling businesses and assets, and concluding significant transactions

  • conducting independent investigations, collecting and documenting evidence, and searching for and recovering assets in cases of suspected fraud or other theft

  • evaluating the actual state of affairs and identifying "time bombs" during management team transitions

Business Support (Risk Prevention and Minimization in Ongoing Activities)

  • conducting due diligence to objectively assess the investment target and identify risk areas

  • creating a reliable and secure environment for business operation through business structuring and asset protection

  • supporting M&A deals at all stages

  • conducting corporate security audits to identify and eliminate deficiencies in the business security system

  • conducting background checks on counterparties, including foreign ones, to successfully implement KYC procedures and reduce risks associated with unreliable partners

  • supporting enforcement proceedings when resolving tasks at the court decision enforcement stage

Preparation and Support in Complex Bankruptcy Procedures

  • developing a strategy for dispute resolution and amicably resolving conflicts on mutually beneficial terms for the parties

  • pre-bankruptcy audit and asset protection of the debtor and implementation of protection mechanisms in anticipation of bankruptcy

  • supporting all stages of bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities, including involving controlling persons in subsidiary liability and challenging debtor transactions

  • searching for debtor assets, including in foreign jurisdictions

Search and Recovery of Lost Assets for Clients and Third Parties

  • searching for and analyzing assets, recovering unlawfully appropriated assets both in Russia and abroad

  • using judicial and extrajudicial procedures to protect clients' interests and ensure maximum project efficiency

  • consulting and supporting projects in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and international partners

Expertise and Analytics for Dispute Resolution and Litigation Strategy Development

  • analyzing financial data, auditing transactions, and preparing expert reports for ongoing and future litigation

  • representing clients' interests in courts in criminal cases related to financial crimes (including fraud)

  • organizing and conducting forensic and analytical investigations to ensure data accuracy and litigation strategy development

Consulting on Criminal Law Issues

  • advising on anti-corruption legislation in Russia, the U.S., the EU, and the U.K., as well as on international criminal law and extradition procedures

  • representing clients during inspections by law enforcement agencies and preventing illegal interference in the company's business activities

Check out our relevant matters

  • Identification of foreign assets belonging to individuals with debts to the bank's foreign subsidiary. The client received additional information to pursue the debtors (identified legal entities with a combined turnover exceeding RUB 35 billion, established international interests, suppliers, and business partners of the debtors, which contributed to obtaining interim measures in several jurisdictions simultaneously and filing the main claim also in multiple jurisdictions)

  • Representation of a major Russian bank in the bankruptcy proceedings of a debtor organization on a loan. The debt amounted to over RUB 2 billion. As a result of the asset search, real estate in France belonging to the general director was discovered, and several transactions were challenged, leading to the recovery of withdrawn assets. The bank successfully initiated bankruptcy proceedings, which resulted in partial debt recovery for the creditor

  • Advising a major Russian investor who planned to invest in a logistics company but discovered low profitability. A thorough analysis of all financial transactions of the business was conducted based on the investor's data, and accurate financial statements of the company were compiled, including management reports. Documented were cases of falsified financial statements by the company, as well as misleading the investor on several transactions. As a result of interaction with the client, the investment in the project was suspended until the implementation of our recommendations

  • The client was engaged in construction projects in Russia. During these works, budgeted funds were embezzled. The total damage exceeded several billion rubles. A link between the suspect and the client's contractors was identified, and facts of asset diversion to entities connected to the suspect were established. The client received confirmation of the conflict of interest and the diversion of assets