
COVID-19: Legal Watch

25 July 2020

The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) served as a trigger for a targeted effort to assess and manage the possible effects of it. The Russian Government continues to update the measures taken or introduce new ones, trying to act ahead of the possible adverse consequences. Our lawyers are closely monitoring the situation, watching out for the new measures introduced in relation to the coronavirus.
We offer overview of key legislative changes and recommendations for business in the current pandemic.

Russia: New package of emergency legislation measures

21 July 2020 Eurofenix, the journal of INSOL Europe, July 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, Russian regulators implemented a package of emergency legislation including measures referring to the insolvency law. The law was published on 1 April 2020, and on 3 April the Government exercised its right to introduce a 6-month moratorium on initiating bankruptcy proceedings for certain categories of debtors. 

First introduction of cramdown in Russian Bankruptcy

25 June 2020

In addition to recent measures supporting the economy and preventing spread of COVID-19 a new law No. 166-FZ dated 8 June, 2020 «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation with a view to taking urgent measures aimed at ensuring sustainable economic development and preventing the consequences of the spread of a novel coronavirus infection» was adopted (hereinafter referred to as Law no. 166). Law No. 166 amended regulations provided by the Bankruptcy law with several novels.

Corrections to the moratorium

24 April 2020

At the beginning of the month Russian regulators implemented a draft law, which provides for the possibility of the Government of the Russian Federation by its act to introduce a moratorium on initiation of bankruptcy proceedings under natural and man-made emergencies, significant changes in the ruble exchange rate and similar exceptional circumstances (for more details see the update).