Webinar by Lidings’ Partner Alexander Popelyuk — Insolvency with Cross-Border Elements
Lidings’ Bankruptcy and Restructuring practice Partner Alexander Popelyuk will run a webinar on the Specifics of Conducting Cross-Border Insolvencies.
Lidings’ Bankruptcy and Restructuring practice Partner Alexander Popelyuk will run a webinar on the Specifics of Conducting Cross-Border Insolvencies.
Counsel of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring practice at Lidings Alexander Popleyuk will speak at the Seminar entitled Recent Changes to Russian Insolvency Law and Their Impact on Cross-Border Disputes in London. The event scheduled to take place in the British capital on the 6th of March 2018 is jointly organized by the British-Russian Law Association (BRLA) and Druces LLP.
Counsel of the bankruptcy and restructuring practice at Lidings Alexander Popelyuk will speak at the conference dedicated to the bankruptcy issues in Russia organized by Kommersant newspaper.
Counsel of the bankruptcy and restructuring practice at Lidings Alexander Popelyuk and Senior Associate of corporate and M&A practice Anton Novoseltsev will speak at the First Belarusian Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Forum scheduled to take place in Minsk on February 16th 2018.
On 8 November 2017 a draft bill1 (Bill) adopting amendments to the EFRS (Unified Federal Register of Companies’ Information) has been introduced to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
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