The Arbitration Manager Didn't Challenge the Transaction (in Russian)
Company With Foreign participation. How to Liquidate Business (in Russian)
Payment of Salaries and Bonuses – Сompensation for Work or Causing Damage to the Company? (in Russian)
Remote Work Abroad: Answers to Questions That Continue to Concern Employers (in Russian)
Penalty for Suspension of Commercial Activity (In Russian)
Will Assurances of Circumstances Protect Against Counterparty Bad Faith? (In Russian)
Consumer Bankruptcy. Practical Approach (in Russian)
The article briefly highlights the results of seven years of consumer bankruptcy, analyzes the problem of classifying citizens as honest and bona fide debtors. The author analyzes the practice of refusing to discharge debts due to a significant amount of claims against the debtor or a consistent increase in debt to creditors in the absence of the required level of income, as an independent basis for refusing to discharge debts and comes to the conclusion that the balanced approach proposed by the Supreme Court helps prevent indiscriminate failures. The author examines and highlights key points of the precedent ruling of the Supreme Court on the issues of malicious evasion of repayment of debts.