Lidings Experts Run Master Class in Summer Masters’ School at LMSU

August 27th, 2020 Lidings Managing Partner Andrey Zelenin and Associate Julia Kuzmenko will run a special master class dedicated to Legal Advice to Life Sciences Companies: Lawyer’s Knowledge and Capabilities as a part of the two-day educational programme of the Lomonosov Moscow State University entitled Summer Masters’ School (SMS). Becoming traditional this summer students’ event is scheduled on August 27–28 and this year will run in a Zoom format.
Participation is free, for more details on event’s programme please visit the Summer Masters’ School Facebook page.
Master class on Legal Advice to Life Sciences Companies: Lawyer’s Knowledge and Capabilities will take place August 27th from 9:30 till 11:00 Moscow time.
Zoom identification number is 89341989789.