Lidings' Partner Alexander Popelyuk Speaks at FinLEGAL-2020

12 November 2020
Partner of the bankruptcy and restructuring practice at Lidings Alexander Popelyuk will speak at the FinLEGAL-2020 Conference: Challenging Transactions and Bankruptcy, organized by the Banking Review Magazine. The event is scheduled to take place on November 12th, 2020 in Moscow and will gather lawyers of major Russian and international companies and experts of the leading national and international law firms to discuss relevant litigation issues in challenging transactions and Supreme Court practice bankruptcy of physical persons.
Lidings’ Partner Alexander Popelyuk, partner at Lidings, heading the dispute resolution practice will take part in Session 1 Challenging Transactions and Inclusion of Creditor Claims. As a highly qualified litigator whose expertise within the firm is focuses on bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, as well as on advising clients on corporate conflicts, prevention and business restructuring Alexander will speak on standards of proving in challenging of transactions. 
For more information about the conference, please visit its official website.