Lidings’ Partner Alexander Popelyuk Speaks at Corporate Fraud Counteraction Conference in Minsk

04 April 2019

Lidings’ Dispute Resolution practice partner Alexander Popelyuk will speak at the international conference dedicated to business’ security entitled Counteracting Corporate Fraud. FORENSIC, scheduled to take place in Minsk on 4-5 of April, 2019.

The event will gather CEO’s of major Belarusian companies, heads and specialists of departments responsible of business security, prominent lawyers from Russian and CIS countries’ law firms.

Key issues to follow during the meeting: organization of business security based on risk assessment principles, protection of the company from corporate fraud, corporate intelligence and incident investigation, internal audit procedures, IT tools in business security and other key issues related to counteracting corporate fraud and forming a business security policy.

Especially invited by the event’s organizing committee Lidings’ Dispute Resolution practice partner will act as an expert on Russian law delivering a special presentation on the national experience in fighting unfair directors.

For more information on the event, please visit the official website.