Lidings Partner Alexander Popelyuk Speaks at Subsidiary Liability Conference in Moscow

26 March 2019

Lidings’ partner of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring practice Alexander Popleyuk will take part in conference dedicated to the subsidiary liability issues in Russia organized by The event entitled Subsidiary Liability: Current Issues and Court Practice will take place in Moscow on March 26th at Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel.

Alexander Popelyuk, a highly qualified litigator whose expertise within Lidings is focuses on bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings will make a special presentation during the first session dedicated to trends in subsidiary liability on Statute of Limitations. What are the Risks for Controller? As part of his report he will in particular highlight such issues as retroactive effect of the law in calculating time-limits and resistance of the defendant as a factor of interruption of the statute of limitations.

For more information on the round table please visit the official website.