Lidings' Managing Partner and Senior Associate Take Part in Conference on Employment Issues

20 October 2020
Lidings’ managing partner Andrey Zelenin and senior associate of the dispute resolution practice of the Firm Elizaveta Fursova will speak at a conference on employment issues organized by The event entitled “Employment Law and Employment Disputes – 2020” will take place in Moscow on October 20th at Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel.
The conference will be devoted to the influence of COVID-19 on the employment market and employment regulation. Leading lawyers and HR directors will share expertise highlighting real practical cases and will attempt to answer the main question “How to keep the balance to minimize the employer’s risk and don’t violate the employee’s rights?”
Lidings’ senior associate Elizaveta Fursova, a prominent litigator who’s expertise within Lidings, among others, is focuses on representing large Russian and international companies in labour disputes, will speak in Session 1 dedicated to legal consequences of pandemic. The topic of her presentation is “Employment Disputes and Labour Inspection After Pandemic: How to Avoid or Prepare”.
Lidings’ Managing partner Andrey Zelenin will act as a moderator of Session 3 “Case Studies”. Panelists of the session - corporate lawyers and legal advisors focused on the employment law - will share their expertise in labour regulation and resolving employment disputes.
For more information on the event please visit its official website