Lidings Legal Brunch on Topical Issues of Employment Law

15 April 2019

On March 15th 2019 Lidings has conducted its traditional Spring Legal Brunch for its clients and partners. The meeting devoted to the Topical Issues of Employment Law took place at Lotte hotel in Moscow and gathered over 30 attendees — representatives of large Russian and international companies.

Lidings’ client-oriented events, organized in the form of an open dialogue between the firm’s experts and invited guests — representatives of the leading Russian and international companies, allow all participants to share experience, discuss the latest legislative initiatives and relevant regulatory issues in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.

The main topics of the passed Legal Bruch were dedicated to termination of employment agreement with special category employees, processing employees’ personal data and resolving disputes with distant workers.

Lidings’ experts Polina Vodogreeva, Associate in the Employment law practice of the firm covered the key issues of termination of employment agreement with special category employees, Associate in Intellectual Property practice Roman Vlasov highlighted relevant issues of processing employees’ personal data, Elizaveta Fursova, Associate in Dispute Resolution practice featured specifics of resolving disputes with distant workers.

The discussion took place in a case-study format. Firm’s experts examined real practical situations that legal departments of Russian and foreign companies encounter with, together with participants working out standard solutions.