Lidings’ Associate Elizaveta Fursova Speaks at Business Breakfast on Legal Aspects of Distant Employment

06 December 2018

Associate of the dispute resolution practice at Lidings Elizaveta Fursova will speak at a Business Breakfast dedicated to the legal aspects of managing distant employees.

Business Breakfast organized together with the Adecco international recruitment agency will take place on December 6th in Adecco’s Moscow branch office located at 2nd Syromyatnichesky lane, 1.

Participation is free. Registration is open.

The event will be focused on the specifics of employment of distant workers and personnel administration of such employees, labor protection and resolution of disputes with remote workers.

Lidings’ Associate Elizaveta Fursova, a prominent litigator who’s expertise within Lidings, among others, is focuses on representing large Russian and international companies in labour disputes, will make a special presentation on Labour Disputes with Distant Employees.

For more information on the event please visit its official website.