Lidings’ Experts Take Part in the 5th Student Law Forum at MSLA

06 December 2018

Partner of the bankruptcy and restructuring practice at Lidings Alexander Popelyuk, Senior Associate of corporate and M&A practice Anton Novoseltsev and Associate of dispute resolution practice of the firm Anastasia Skovpen will take part in the 5th Student Law Forum at the Kutafin’s Moscow State Law Academy (MSLA). The event traditionally will take place at the University’s main building on 6-8 December, 2018.

Each day of the three-day Forum presumes separate formats: December 6th is a master-class day, December 7 is devoted to round tables and December 8th is a Moot court day.

The forum annually unites Russian scientists, public authorities, University’s professors and leading legal practitioners — representatives of national and international law firms — mostly MSLA’s graduates.

Lidings’ experts are heavily involved in the programme. Thus, on December 6th, Alexander Popelyuk, Partner of the firm’s bankruptcy and restructuring practice, will run a master class on subsidiary liability and Anton Novoseltsev, Senior Associate of corporate and M&A practice will run a master class on drafting agreements.

December 7th is a round table day. Associate of dispute resolution practice of the firm Anastasia Skovpen will take part in round table dedicated to transformation of law in digital technology era, Anton Novoseltsev will take part in a discussion on director’s liability in corporate law.

For more details about the event please visit the MSLA website.