Lidings, the leading legal advisor in Russia providing legal support to large national and international companies operating in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare sector in Russia and CIS, launces a series of specialized tests on the legislative regulation of the sector.

The initiative is implemented jointly with the Pharmvestnik — an influential information and analytical resource covering the key events and developments in the Russian pharmaceutical market. The project implies 4 consecutive online tests on various aspects of legislative regulation of companies operating in the Life Science sector. Each test is devoted to a certain topical legal issue that industry representatives face when doing business in Russia. The test will cover such issues as advertising of the pharmaceutical products, intellectual property protection, antitrust regulation and interaction with doctors.
The first test on advertising of the pharmaceutical products is already available at
Lidings Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare industry practice headed by the firms’ Managing Partner Andrey Zelenin focuses on the legal aspects essential to the companies from the Life Sciences industry operating in Russian and CIS. The firm’s clients are recognized leaders of the market, such as Abbott, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Ipsen Pharmaceuticals, Astellas Pharma, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi and many others. The firm frequently initiates and supports major international conferences devoted to issues relevant for the pharmaceutical industry in Russia and abroad. Lidings’ experts annually receive numerous awards being recognized for their expert industry knowledge.