
A Law Providing Against the Refusal to Сonclude a Сontract Due to a Сonsumer's Refusal to Provide his Personal Data and Other Invalid Terms of a Consumer Contract Has Been Passed

28 April 2022

On April 26, 2022 the Federation Council approved a law amending Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 № 2300-I “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, which prohibits sellers, performers, owners of aggregators to refuse a consumer in contract, execution, modification or termination due to the refusal of the consumer to provide personal data.

From April 1, 2022, Russia Introduces a Moratorium on Initiating Bankruptcy Proceedings Under the Claims of Creditors

04 April 2022

A Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation introduced a moratorium on initiating of bankruptcy cases at the request of creditors for the second time. The previous moratorium was imposed to support the most affected by the coronavirus economy sectors and lasted for 9 months. The current moratorium has been introduced for half a year, but the possibility of its extension cannot be excluded.

The EU, the US and the UK Have Consistently Imposed Economic Restrictions on Their Own Citizens

04 April 2022

The purpose of the economic restrictions imposed in February-April 2022 is officially declared to be “changing Russia’s behavior” and exerting “pressure” on those involved in the events in Ukraine. To this end, restrictions were imposed on various sectors of the Russian economy, as well as on citizens of the Russian Federation.

Prior to the new “packages” of economic restrictions in 2022, citizens of “unfriendly states” were not included in the SDN lists by the respective states. The situation is gradually changing: now the EU, the US and the UK citizens and companies are under attack.

The Russian Government Legalized the Parallel Import

01 April 2022

On 29 March 2022, the Russian Government enacted Resolution No. 506 “On goods (group of goods) in relation to which certain provisions of the Russian Civil Code on protection of exclusive rights to intellectual property objects and means of individualization cannot be applied”. Under this Resolution, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall introduce a list of goods in relation to which para. 6 of art. 1359 and art. 1487 of the Russian Civil Code are not applied provide that the said goods (group of goods) are put into circulation outside of Russia by the right holders (patent holders) or upon their consent.

New Meta* Universe in Russia.The Sequel

29 March 2022
On Monday, March 28, the full text of the decision on Meta Platforms Inc.* (No. 02-2473/2022) case was published on the official website of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow.

It is the sequel of the case we reviewed as of 22 March, related to Meta Platforms Inc.* activity on operation of Facebook* and Instagram* social network in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Circulation of Medical Products and Medical Devices in Russia: Changes in Regulation

28 March 2022

On March 26, 2022, the Federal Law No. 64-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” was adopted (“Law”). It provides for the establishment of certain features of the circulation of medical products (“MP”) and medical devices (“MD”) in Russia in connection with the current economic situation. Such features include the following.