
Bill on Exemption from Contractual Liability Due to Foreign Sanctions

23 March 2022

On March 22, 2022, a Bill (the “Bill”) was submitted to the State Duma on the specifics of contractual performance under the conditions of unfriendly actions of foreign states and international organizations related to the introduction of restrictive measures (foreign sanctions) against Russian legal entities and individuals.

Moscow Trilateral Agreement: New Rules

23 March 2022

On March 22, 2022, a Bill (the “Bill”) was submitted to the State Duma on the specifics of contractual performance under the conditions of unfriendly actions of foreign states and international organizations related to the introduction of restrictive measures (foreign sanctions) against Russian legal entities and individuals.

New Meta* Universe in Russia

22 March 2022
On March 21, 2022 the Court of Tverskoy district in Moscow resolved the case related to Meta Platforms Inc.* activity on operation of Facebook* and Instagram* social network in the territory of the Russian Federation. The mentioned activity of Meta Platforms Inc.* has been forbidden as extremist.

We have analyzed the legal consequences in connection with banning of the Meta Platforms Inc.* activity, made an assessment on possible business risks and provided particular recommendations on their mitigation.

For more information please see this update.

Winding-up a Company in Russia During Sanctions. Summary Guide

15 March 2022

Currently, a great number of western companies declare the winding-up or suspension of their business activity in Russia. For many counterparties, which render services, perform works, or supply materials and goods to these companies (clients or a buyers), their winding-up inevitably leads to permanent or temporary ceasing of operations in the territory of the Russian Federation and, as a consequence, minimizing the associated costs of the Russian legal entity – at least for the next several months.

New Legal Requirements: Government Amendments

05 March 2022

On March 04, 2022, the Council of Federation has approved and sent to the President the Federal Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Regulations of the Russian Federation” (the “Law”). This Law provides for a number of changes in the regulation of procurement and circulation of medical products (“MP”) and medical devices (“MD”), corporate and financial relations, and even social matters.