
Changes in the Federal law “On the procedure for foreign investment in economic companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security”

31 August 2020

Starting from August 11, 2020, amendments to the Federal law “On the procedure for foreign investment in economic companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security” (“Law”) have come into force, strengthening state control over transactions of foreign investors or a group of persons in respect of shares of companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security (“Company”).

COVID-19: Legal Watch

25 July 2020

The coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) served as a trigger for a targeted effort to assess and manage the possible effects of it. The Russian Government continues to update the measures taken or introduce new ones, trying to act ahead of the possible adverse consequences. Our lawyers are closely monitoring the situation, watching out for the new measures introduced in relation to the coronavirus.
We offer overview of key legislative changes and recommendations for business in the current pandemic.

Clarifications of the Constitutional Court on the participation of representatives without law degree in commercial procedure

24 July 2020

The Constitutional Court and Supreme court continue to clarify the novels in procedural codes on professional judicial representatives. Recall that earlier, in June, the Supreme Court in the Review of Judicial Practice No. 1 dated 06/10/2020 indicated that the law degree requirements do not relate to representatives in bankruptcy cases. Recently, the Constitutional Court in its decision ruled that the interests of legal entities can be represented by employees, founders (shareholders) and other persons without a law degree.

New explanations of the FAS Russia on certain aspects of advertising in the field of pharmaceuticals and healthcare

30 June 2020

Specification of the information about the license is not required directly in the advertising of medical activities that are subject to licensing. Verification of the presence of relevant documents is carried out at the request of the advertising distributor in accordance with article 13 of the Law on advertising. The advertiser, in turn, shall provide reports, including information about the availability of a license, mandatory certification and state registration.