
State Duma adopted amendments aimed at implementing the President’s and Government initiatives

03 April 2020

Deputies of the State Duma adopted the Law “On making amendments to certain legal acts of the Russian Federation on the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations” in terms of regulating relations arising in connection with the need for emergency response to calls related to the spread of coronavirus infection (“Law”).

Amendments to the Federal Law “On currency regulation and currency control#148

02 March 2020

On 1st January 2020, the Federal Law of 02.08.2019 № 265-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law” “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” entered into force in terms of liberalization of restrictions on foreign exchange transactions that are made by residents using accounts (deposits) opened with banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and repatriation of funds.

Key Developments in Russian Pharma — 2019

14 February 2020

The year 2019, which continued the trend of rapid and numerous changes in healthcare regulations, was rich on expectations, events and legislative proposals aiming to reverse pharmaceutical industry: medical drugs labeling, reform of price determination, new procedure of entry into drugs civil circulation, amendments to regulatory framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, etc. This trend is likely to continue in 2020 as well.