
New explanations of the FAS Russia on certain aspects of advertising in the field of pharmaceuticals and healthcare

30 June 2020

Specification of the information about the license is not required directly in the advertising of medical activities that are subject to licensing. Verification of the presence of relevant documents is carried out at the request of the advertising distributor in accordance with article 13 of the Law on advertising. The advertiser, in turn, shall provide reports, including information about the availability of a license, mandatory certification and state registration.

First introduction of cramdown in Russian Bankruptcy

25 June 2020

In addition to recent measures supporting the economy and preventing spread of COVID-19 a new law No. 166-FZ dated 8 June, 2020 «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation with a view to taking urgent measures aimed at ensuring sustainable economic development and preventing the consequences of the spread of a novel coronavirus infection» was adopted (hereinafter referred to as Law no. 166). Law No. 166 amended regulations provided by the Bankruptcy law with several novels.

Experimenting on electronic employment document flow. Updated

22 June 2020

On May 5, 2020, a law comes into force that establishes the procedure for experimenting on the use of employment in electronic form without their duplicating on paper documents by certain employers and employees. More detailed rules for experimenting will be set out in the regulations on conducting the experiment, which must be approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor.

Explanations of the Constitutional court regarding the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts with persons who are employed to perform certain work

08 June 2020

In its recent Ruling, the Russian Constitutional court clarified the provisions of the Labor Code regarding the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract with persons who are employed to perform certain work when the date of completion of work cannot be determined by a specific date (paragraph 8, part 1 of article 59 of the Labor Code).